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Cloudflare Images: Optimize Images on the go

3 min read


Cloudflare Images: Optimize Images on the go

Using Cloudflare Images with Laravel involves a combination of Cloudflare's API for image uploads and Laravel's file handling capabilities. Here's a step-by-step guide to uploading images to Cloudflare Images from a Laravel application:

1. Setting up Cloudflare:

  1. API Key: Ensure you have your Cloudflare API key and account email. You will need these to authenticate your requests.

  2. Cloudflare Images: Make sure you've activated the Cloudflare Images service for your account.

2. Laravel Setup:

  1. Install required packages:

    If you're not already using Guzzle (a PHP HTTP client), you'll want to add it to your Laravel project because it makes API interactions smoother

composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle


Add the Cloudflare API credentials to your .env file:


And reference them in config/services.php:

'cloudflare' => [
    'key' => env('CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY')

3. Image Upload:

Here's a basic example of a function that takes a Laravel Request object, extracts an image, and uploads it to Cloudflare:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class ImageController extends Controller
    private $client;

    public function __construct(Client $client)
        $this->client = $client;

    public function uploadToCloudflare(Request $request)

        $image = $request->file('image');

        try {
            $data = $this->uploadImageToCloudflare($image);

            // Optionally store the image's URL or other metadata in your database.
            // $data['result']['variants']['original']['url'] provides the direct URL to the uploaded image.

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            // Handle error, perhaps log it or notify the user.
            return back()->with('error', 'Failed to upload image to Cloudflare.');

        return back()->with('success', 'Image uploaded successfully.');

    private function validateImageRequest(Request $request)
            'image' => 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,gif|max:2048',

    private function uploadImageToCloudflare($image)
        $response = $this->client->post('', [
            'headers' => [
                'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . config('services.cloudflare.key'),
            'multipart' => [
                    'name'     => 'image',
                    'contents' => fopen($image->path(), 'r'),
                    'filename' => $image->getClientOriginalName(),

        return json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

Remember to replace :account_id in the URL with your actual Cloudflare account ID.

4. Frontend:

In your Laravel Blade view, you can have a simple form for image upload:

<form action="{{ route('upload.route') }}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="file" name="image">
    <button type="submit">Upload</button>


This is a basic overview of how you can upload images to Cloudflare Images using Laravel. You might want to add more advanced features like image validation, error handling, and storing image metadata in your database. As always, remember to handle user data responsibly and securely.

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Aniket Singh

Aniket Singh

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Full-stack developer with a knack for Merging creativity with technical expertise for standout solutions.

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