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Article Versioning with Livewire in Laravel

3 min read


Article Versioning with Livewire in Laravel

When it comes to web development, maintaining a tidy version history of content is crucial for efficient teamwork and monitoring. With the help of Laravel and Livewire, constructing a strong versioning system is effortless. Livewire also promotes smooth communication between the frontend and backend, allowing for instantaneous updates without reloading the page. This tutorial will delve into developing an article versioning system using these tools, providing detailed instructions and necessary code snippets.

Step 1: Create the Article and Version Models

Generate models for Article and Version to represent articles and their versions respectively.

php artisan make:model Article -m
php artisan make:model Version -m

Step 2: Define Relationships

Establish the relationships between the Article and Version models.

// app/Models/Article.php

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Article extends Model
    public function versions()
        return $this->hasMany(Version::class);

// app/Models/Version.php

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Version extends Model
    public function article()
        return $this->belongsTo(Article::class);

Step 3: Migrate the Databases

Define and run the migrations to set up the database structure for your articles and versions.

php artisan migrate

Step 4: Create Livewire Components

Create Livewire components for displaying and updating articles.

php artisan make:livewire ArticleComponent

Step 5: Implement Versioning in Livewire Component

Within the ArticleComponent, handle article updates and versioning.

/ app/Http/Livewire/ArticleComponent.php

use Livewire\Component;
use App\Models\Article;
use App\Models\Version;

class ArticleComponent extends Component
    public $article, $content;

    public function mount(Article $article)
        $this->article = $article;
        $this->content = $article->content;

    public function update()
        // Save current content as a new version
        $version = new Version;
        $version->content = $this->content;
        $version->article_id = $this->article->id;

        // Update the article's content
        $this->article->content = $this->content;

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.article-component');

Step 6: Implement Rollback Functionality

Implement a method within ArticleComponent to handle rollback to a previous version.

// app/Http/Livewire/ArticleComponent.php

class ArticleComponent extends Component
    // ... Other methods

    public function rollback($versionId)
        $version = Version::findOrFail($versionId);
        // Save current content as a new version before rolling back
        $newVersion = new Version;
        $newVersion->content = $this->article->content;
        $newVersion->article_id = $this->article->id;

        // Rollback to the selected version
        $this->article->content = $version->content;
        $this->content = $version->content;

Step 7: Create Views

Create a Livewire view for your ArticleComponent to display the article, its versions, and rollback options.

<!-- resources/views/livewire/article-component.blade.php -->

    <h1>{{ $article->title }}</h1>
    <input type="text" wire:model="content"/>
    <button wire:click="update">Update</button>

    @foreach ($article->versions as $version)
            <p>{{ $version->content }}</p>
            <button wire:click="rollback({{ $version->id }})">Rollback to this version</button>

By leveraging Livewire in your Laravel project, you can build a seamless article versioning system with real-time update capabilities. This guide provides a step-by-step approach to creating such a system, effective management and tracking of content changes over time.

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Aniket Singh

Aniket Singh

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Full-stack developer with a knack for Merging creativity with technical expertise for standout solutions.

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