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Sage Wordpress Starter Theme

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Sage Wordpress Starter Theme

With the seamless integration offered by Acorn Sage WordPress, you can explore Laravel's impressive capabilities and its versatile packages. Furthermore, you can use the easy-to-use Laravel Blade to create clean and efficient theme templates. Additionally, the dynamic capabilities of Bud enable you to develop your frontend in record time. In addition, Tailwind CSS is supported out-of-the-box, simplifying design and styling tasks.

This article examines Sage key features, benefits, and how it can simplify and enhance your WordPress development projects.

What is Sage Wordpress?

Its use of the Blade templating engine from Laravel is one of Sage's most unique features. Additionally, the Blade templating engine simplifies the process of creating dynamic WordPress templates with its lightweight and efficient syntax. In comparison to traditional PHP templates, it is easier to work with due to its clear and concise syntax.


We recommend installing Volta to install and manage Node.js. We also recommend using Yarn to build assets. After installing Volta:

$ volta install node

$ npm install --global yarn

Installing Sage Wordpress with Composer

To install Sage using Composer from your WordPress themes directory (replace 'your-theme-name' below with the name of your theme):

# From your WordPress themes directory, run:
$ composer create-project roots/sage your-theme-name

Key features of Sage Wordpress

  • Its use of the Blade templating engine is one of Sage's most unique features. Moreover, the Blade templating engine simplifies the process of creating dynamic WordPress templates with its lightweight and efficient syntax. In comparison to traditional PHP templates, it is easier to work with due to its clear and concise syntax.

  • Sage manages assets like JavaScript and CSS using Webpack, a powerful JavaScript module bundler. By doing so, developers can take advantage of the latest JavaScript libraries and features, as well as manage and optimize assets for better performance.

  • Sage Command Line Interface (CLI): The Sage CLI simplifies common development tasks by generating files, compiling assets, and managing dependencies.

  • Sage provides a robust configuration system. Additionally, it allows developers to customize the theme to meet their specific needs. This includes setting up a build process, configuring asset paths, and defining theme options.

  • Sage encourages the use of modern JavaScript practices such as ES6 and ESNext, making it easier to write clean, maintainable code.


In addition to offering modern tools and practices for building high-quality WordPress themes, Sage is a powerful and developer-friendly WordPress starter theme. Using Blade templating, Webpack for asset management, and a robust CLI, it is an excellent choice for developers. Furthermore, it enables them to simplify their workflow and build performant WordPress themes.

Complete Documentation can be found at: Sage Documentation

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Aniket Singh

Aniket Singh

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Full-stack developer with a knack for Merging creativity with technical expertise for standout solutions.

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