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Serving WebP and AVIF Images in Laravel

3 min read


Serving WebP and AVIF Images in Laravel

In this article, we'll deep dive into implementing Laravel WebP and AVIF images solutions to optimize your application's images. Modern image formats like WebP and AVIF are no longer just 'nice-to-haves' in the era of web performance. Here is a practical approach to serving these formats in a Laravel application.

What's the difference between WebP and AVIF?

  • Without sacrificing quality, WebP boasts 25-35% smaller sizes than equivalent JPEGs or PNGs.

  • In terms of compression vs. quality, AVIF is even more efficient than WebP.

Implementing WebP and AVIF on Laravel step-by-step

1. The first step is to install and set up intervention images

First, make sure your PHP GD library supports WebP:

composer require intervention/image

To convert an image to WebP:

use Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic as Image;

$image = Image::make('foo.jpg')->encode('webp', 75);

2. Crafting the Middleware

This middleware checks the Accept header of HTTP requests to determine browser support:

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;

class ServeWebpOrAvif
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $acceptHeader = $request->header('Accept');

        if (str_contains($acceptHeader, 'image/webp')) {
            // Set a request variable to indicate WebP support
            $request->merge(['preferred_image_format' => 'webp']);
        } elseif (str_contains($acceptHeader, 'image/avif')) {
            $request->merge(['preferred_image_format' => 'avif']);

        return $next($request);

After creating the middleware, don't forget to register it in kernel.php.

3. Serving the Right Image Format

In your controller or route, use the request variable set by the middleware to serve the correct format:

public function serveImage(Request $request, $filename)
    $format = $request->get('preferred_image_format', 'jpg');

    $imagePath = "images/{$filename}.{$format}";

    if (!file_exists($imagePath)) {
        // Handle missing image, e.g., revert to JPG as default

    return response()->file($imagePath);

4. Front-end Implementation with Fallback

Using the <picture> element, you can offer multiple sources and let the browser pick the best-supported format:

    <source srcset="{{ asset('images/foo.avif') }}" type="image/avif">
    <source srcset="{{ asset('images/foo.webp') }}" type="image/webp">
    <img src="{{ asset('images/foo.jpg') }}" alt="Description">

Wrapping Up

It is a forward-looking move to incorporate WebP and AVIF into Laravel, which aligns with the web's trajectory towards efficiency and speed.

The pursuit of web performance requires small tweaks, such as adopting modern image formats, to yield significant results. You can enhance your applications and broaden your web expertise by incorporating such best practices as a Laravel developer. Keep experimenting, and stay ahead of the game!🚀🖼️🌐

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Aniket Singh

Aniket Singh

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Full-stack developer with a knack for Merging creativity with technical expertise for standout solutions.

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