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Next.js SSR and SSG Optimization

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Next.js SSR and SSG Optimization

In this article we will be providing common issue faced by Next.js Developer by guiding to Master Next.js SSR and SSG Optimization. Vercel's Next.js React framework offers developers a highly optimized, out-of-the-box framework for building server-rendered React applications. However, just like any framework or tool, it comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some of the most common challenges Next.js developers face based on my observations and feedback from the developer community:

Setting up Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG) optimally:

The Next.js language introduces concepts such as Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG). These features can greatly improve performance and SEO, but they can also add complexity. To ensure uncompromised client-side interactivity, developers must decide which rendering method to use, how to fetch data, and when to apply each rendering method.

For example - Using SSR instead of SSG can increase server load and latency, and misconfiguring SSG can result in stale content being served.

Next.js SSR and SSG Challenges:

  • In large applications with varying data needs, choosing between getServerSideProps, getStaticProps, and client-side data fetching can be a challenge.

  • Managing data fetching for SSR can be tricky, especially when dealing with authentication or other user-specific information.

  • It takes careful configuration to properly cache SSR-rendered pages for optimal performance without serving stale data.

  • Large sites may take longer to build if they are over-reliant on SSG, since every possible route may need to be pre-rendered.

  • The client-side React application needs to sync correctly with the server-rendered content (hydration) to avoid discrepancies.

Let's Understand deeper

Imagine you're building a news portal with Next.js. Your application has:

  1. A homepage that showcases the top 10 latest news articles.

  2. Category pages (e.g., Politics, Technology).

  3. Individual article pages.

Now, let's apply the concepts of SSR and SSG.

Homepage - Latest News:

  • Dynamic Nature: The nature of this page is dynamic; it refreshes often, possibly every few minutes, with the publication of new articles.

  • Ideal Approach: Using SSR (getServerSideProps). This ensures that every time a user visits the homepage, they get the freshest articles, directly fetched from the server. However, using SSG (getStaticProps) might cause users to see stale news, especially if your static generation isn't frequent.

Category Pages:

  • Dynamic Nature: Updates when new articles are added to the category, but less frequent than the homepage.

  • Ideal Approach: Using a mix. You could leverage Incremental Static Regeneration. Start with getStaticProps for faster page loads, but periodically refresh the data. For example, regenerate the page every 10 minutes to ensure reasonably fresh content without overloading your server.

Individual Article Pages:

  • Dynamic Nature: Once an article is published, its content rarely changes.

  • Ideal Approach: Using SSG (getStaticProps). Since the content doesn't change often, you can pre-generate these pages during the build and serve them as static files. This ensures ultra-fast page loads.

Challenges & Solution for Next.js SSR and SSG:

  1. Data Fetching with Authentication:

    • Scenario: Imagine you have premium articles that require user authentication.

    • Challenge: With SSR (getServerSideProps), managing authentication can be tricky. How do you ensure the server fetches data in the context of the authenticated user?

    • Solution: Handle authentication tokens server-side, perhaps using cookies or HTTP headers, and then fetch the data accordingly.

  2. Caching & Performance:

    • Scenario: Your category pages, being rendered server-side, are experiencing increased load times due to a surge in traffic.

    • Challenge: Overusing SSR can strain the server, especially during traffic spikes, leading to longer load times.

    • Solution: Implement caching strategies, either at the server level (using solutions like Varnish or a CDN) or application level, to serve cached responses and reduce server load.

  3. Hydration Issues:

    • Scenario: You notice that certain interactive components on your SSR pages are behaving oddly or flickering on initial load.

    • Challenge: The client-side React application might not perfectly match the server-rendered content, leading to hydration mismatches.

    • Solution: Ensure that server-rendered content remains consistent with client expectations. Avoid client-side specific logic in SSR components or utilize useEffect/useLayoutEffect hooks appropriately to manage client-side interactions.


The versatility of Next.js is both a benefit and a challenge. It provides developers with various rendering choices to suit different situations, but a deep understanding of each is necessary. If misconfigured or misunderstood, there is a risk of encountering performance problems, outdated content, or unforeseen results. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully evaluate the unique needs of each page or component, consistently assess your application's performance, and be open to modifying your rendering approach as your application evolves or demands alter.

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Aniket Singh

Aniket Singh

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Full-stack developer with a knack for Merging creativity with technical expertise for standout solutions.

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